My TELT experience

My name is Oumar Moussa Djigo and I teach English as a Foreign language in Senegal. My journey with technology-enhanced language teaching started in 2017, while completed an MA in teacher education at Warwick university. Since all my courses were blended, we were introduced to a variety of technology-oriented teaching strategies through Moodle, the university's learning Management system. These strategies entailed designing digital lessons, recording presentations, and tutorials based on our own experience with our target context in mind. Attending the 2017 IATFL conference was also an open door to more digital experiences. We were invited as Hornby scholars to attend technology-based sessions and report online for the virtual audience. Because there were cutting edge presentations featuring interesting online tools and teaching techniques such as Blended learning and its different components, we discovered a wealth of resources that would help us bring variety in our classrooms. In addition, working on a research paper entitled 'Flipping the EFL classroom with mobile devices in the Senegalese context' was ultimately the driving force that enhanced my digital literacy skills. It was a great opportunity to resort to self-directed learning through online platforms, language learning websites, collaborations with tech-savvy teachers, and technology-oriented research to better understand the Flipped method of teaching. After completion of the study and the MA program, I gave presentations on the affordances of the approach and shared with other practitioners online and in-person. When Covid hit, using technology to reach out to learners became a must in Senegal. The government initiated remote learning through the project 'learning from home' and invited teachers to record video lessons for 'Canal education', a broadcasting TV and YouTube channel that was followed by thousands of students around Senegal. We recorded video lessons based on Content and integrated language learning (CLIL) as well as on various grammar lessons. It was also the period when I first started teaching online through Zoom and Google Classroom as an alternative to schools' closure. 
Finally, taking the CALL course as part of the MATESOL program at Saint Michael's college was the pathway that honed my expertise in TELT. 

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